
Waves – Gifts and Opportunities

 In Past Events

5Rhythms® Movement Meditation  
Waves – Gifts and Opportunities


Saturday, February 3th 2018, 11:00am – 07:00pm

Sunday, February 4th 2018, 10:00am – 06:00pm

“Energy moves in Waves. Waves move in patterns. Patterns move in rhythms. Human beings are just that, energy, waves, patterns, rhythm. Nothing more, nothing less. A dance.” – Gabrielle Roth

Waves come and go. Nature contracts and expands, just as humans do in daily life. Have you ever experienced being frozen and unable to move forward? Or perhaps you find yourself perpetually in fearful or frantic states?

Using the 5Rhythms® movement meditation practice, we will investigate how each of the 5Rhythms® – flow, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness – can help us meet life. We will unlock stories held in our bodies thus deepening our awareness about how we respond to what life gives us. We will invite change in our patterns to experience more freedom and fulfillment with the life we create.

About: Visudha de Los Santos is your spiritual midwife on this exploration of inner awareness. Artist, musician, healer and ritualist, she weaves a magical transformative movement journey with grace, presence and love. Be ready to Move and BE Moved.

Move Your Body, Move Your Life. It’s that simple.

5Rhythms Movement Meditation - Rockin' the Rhythms