
2024 New Year’s Eve Celebration

 In Past Events

2024 New Year’s Eve Celebration

Kundalini Yoga • Meditation • Gong Bath • Numerology
Ancient Yogic Cosmology • Eat • Drink • Dance! 

Sunday, December 31st, 9pm – Midnight

Join us in celebrating New Year’s Eve – an end and a beginning – a joyous occasion to gracefully bid farewell to 2023 while stepping into a fresh new cycle. In this special 3-hour event, you will experience ancient Kriyas and powerful Meditations to connect with gratitude for the gifts and challenges of the past year. Let go of the old, clear karma, and open yourself to a peaceful start for the New Year, ready for prosperity!

This is a perfect time to consciously release the old and plant the seeds of your dreams. Each day we are blessed with a new opportunity to grow stronger, love deeper and live fuller lives.

Embark on an exciting journey into the dynamic and promising landscape of 2024, where fresh opportunities, ambitious goals, and transformative changes are on the horizon. It will be an intense year with extraordinary possibilities awaiting. Parts of the world might experience favorable economic expansion, coupled with significant political and social changes.

A rise in spiritual journeys and an intensified dedication to learning and experiencing more, fueled by motivation and a spiritual awakening.

Join us as we say goodbye to 2023 and welcome 2024 with powerful group consciousness – the key to universal consciousness. Immerse yourself in the deep healing and restoration of a special Gong Bath, Eat, Drink, Chant, Dance and Enjoy yourself with the Spiritual Community!

Let us gather with our soul family on this enchanted evening, release the past, and set the energy for an auspicious New Year!

The event is hosted in an exquisite private setting.  IN-PERSON spots SOLD OUT.

ONLINE spots Available. 

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