
Reiki Master Attunement and Certification Training

Reiki Master Attunement and Certification Training with Mahadev



Transform your life and the lives of others with our Reiki Master training program: a journey of self-discovery and healing. As a prerequisite, we require that you have completed our Reiki I & II training, or have graduated from Reiki Level II training with any Reiki Master Teacher.

Our program is designed to engulf you in the practice of Reiki, so that you can expand and evolve your skills. It is an experience of becoming and being, not just learning. The essence of our Reiki Master training is to help you raise your vibration to maximize your healing capabilities, access and harness the Universal Life Force.

During the training, you will learn, practice and experience:

  • the ancient origins of Reiki
  • how to heal relationships with Reiki
  • Master tools and techniques
  • four Master symbols
  • becoming a Reiki Master
  • developing your Reiki practice
  • and much more!

Training includes both in-class theory (manual is provided) and hands-on practice.

You will receive additional tools for accessing your inner being, accelerating your personal growth and evolution, expanding your spiritual awareness, and facilitating more joy, ease and well-being in your life.

As a Reiki Master, you will be equipped with the knowledge, tools and skills necessary to heal yourself and others. Our program is available to anyone who is passionate about advancing on their Reiki journey and receiving the Reiki Master Attunement.

Sign up today and embark on the path to becoming a Reiki Master!

Please email cosmin@rykyoga.com if you would like to attend online. 

New Moon Meditation on the Divine Mother

New Moon Meditation
on the Divine Mother

Tuesday, April 9th, 6pm – 8pm

In lunar religious calendars, Chaitra is the first month and its first day is celebrated as the beginning of a New Year. This is the auspicious time when the Divine Ma Durga and its nine incarnations are honored during the Chaitra Navratri festival.

Through mantras, meditations and fasting one is said to get blessed by the Divine Mother and get health, wisdom, and prosperity. This festival also celebrates the victory of good over evil.

The principle of the mother is primal power, coziness, care and protection. A person who is in contact with this inner cosmic principle is without fear and has courage in all circumstances, even in the darkest times.

This meditation tunes into the frequency of the Divine Mother – the primal, protective, generating energy. It eliminates fears and fulfills desires. It gives concentration and mental beaming, power of action by removing blocks of insecurity.

The energy will be multiplied by the New Moon – an extremely powerful time for new beginnings: planting new seeds and putting new cycles into motion to start a new project, a new relationship, a new business, etc.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong after the meditation!
Room size can only fit 49, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Full Moon Meditation for a Powerful Psyche

Full Moon Meditation
for a Powerful Psyche

Tuesday, April 23rd, 6pm – 8pm,

Tuesday April 23rd is the Full Moon and you have the opportunity to experience “Kirtan Kriya”, often referred to as “SA TA NA MA” meditation, one of the most important meditations in Kundalini Yoga. “Kirtan Kriya” helps you master your tattvas, the five qualities that make up the physical world: earth, water, fire, air and ether. Each person has a unique constitution with a predominant tattva: maybe you’re fiery, quick to react or, maybe you’re etheric – not quite “of this world”. Each tattva reflects its own qualities in our behaviors, habits and constitution so establishing harmony is a must.

Practicing this meditation is both a science and an art. We will use Mantra, Mudra, Voice of Consciousness and Visualization to balance your Chakras and Aura. The power of the mantra comes from the fact that it rearranges the subconscious mind at the most elementary level. It has the power to break habits and addictions because it accesses the level of the mind where habits are created. It brings great insights through balancing the mind.

This was one of the first meditations taught by Yogi Bhajan and remains today as a foundation tool, being recommended even by Doctors! Medical studies found that “Kirtan Kriya”, performed 12 minutes a day for eight weeks, increased brain activity in areas central to memory and improved cognition and wellbeing in patients with memory loss and help prevent Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

If you are willing to change and welcome a new dimension of being into your life, this meditation is for YOU!

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong after the meditation!
Room size can only fit 49, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Full Moon Meditation to Prevent Information Overload

Full Moon Meditation
to Prevent Information Overload

Tuesday, March 26th 2023, 6:00pm-8:00pm

“Information is not knowledge.” – Albert Einstein

We’re all seeking out ways to improve ourselves and ensure a healthy spiritual growth. In fact, there’s so much information available that it can be hard to process it all. Ironically, this information overload is often most responsible for one’s lack of progress. You have to go for the experience and not for the mere information available left and right.

The Age of Aquarius is here: our lifestyle is changing its sense of time, space, relatedness, and relevancy. The mind is changing its sensitivity, its basic frequency and functioning. The change is on levels of life at once. And it affects each one of us personally.

In the Aquarian Age there are no secrets! Information is available and in huge amounts. We are flooded with choices. “A man shall have, on the press of the button, forty mega-trillion units of information” – Yogi Bhajan.

We need an elevated capacity to make choices, that`s why we’ll do a Meditation to Prevent Mega Information Syndrome. The Meditation has 5 parts: for Creative Imagery, to Prevent Going Berserk, for Faith, for Penetration in Communication and for Making Depression Disappear.

Our future is now, and our presence is our purity. This new Aquarian Age is ruled by awareness, information and energy. Join us, get the wisdom, intuition and self control you need to go forward!

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation.

Room size can only fit 49, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Spring Equinox and Mahadev’s Birthday Celebration

Spring Equinox Meditation
and Mahadev’s Birthday Celebration

Thursday, March 21st 2024, 6:00pm-8:00pm, FREE EVENT

Throughout the ages, our ancestors gathered to celebrate and honor the sun during the special times of the year. The Spring Equinox is one of these special moments – a time of renewal, new beginnings of life and growth.

This is also an auspicious time when the veil between the physical and the spiritual worlds is thinned, bringing opportunities to access and use divine energy into one’s life. Evoke these potential powers and claim the victory of spiritual light!

Join us to welcome Spring during this special day and move forward in a new, fresh, positive direction.

A unique relaxation with the LIVE Gong will follow the special kriyas, pranayam and meditations.

Cake and organic yogi tea will be served!

Reiki Level 2 Attunement and Certification Training

Reiki Level 2 Attunement and Certification with Mahadev

Sunday, March 17th , 10am – 5pm
$248 (2nd time audit $125)

BUNDLE Reiki Level I & II, $368 or Reiki Level I, II & Master $668

Grow, Glow and Heal

Reiki Level 2 is ideal for all Reiki 1 practitioners interested in broadening their healing practice and deepening their knowledge and understanding about Reiki energy work. When you are attuned to Reiki second degree, you become more aware of your connected wholeness on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. With practice you now begin your journey to becoming an accomplished & professional Reiki practitioner.

This training takes you much deeper into the system of Reiki healing. Explore some of the more outwardly mysterious techniques & experience them firsthand.

During the training you will learn & experience:

  • Level II Symbols
  • Distant Healing
  • Clearing & Energizing your space, food and drinks
  • Using Second Degree Reiki Symbols with Hands-on Applications
  • Secrets of Hui Yin and exercises
  • A Simple, Fast Way to Healing Attunement
  • Master Spiritual Exercises
  • Dowsing Rods
  • and much more

The practice of healing through Reiki 2nd degree is very profound, as it is considered to raise your vibrations up to 500 times; a quantum leap on your spiritual path, allowing you to get the knowledge and tools to serve the others through sharing unconditional love.

Training includes both in-class theory (manual is provided) and hands-on practice.

No matter if you want to restore the general condition of your body, open the energy channels, expand your consciousness and spiritual awareness, Reiki is the perfect way to do it!

Give Yourself & Others the Gift of Reiki!

Please email cosmin@rykyoga.com if you would like to attend online. 

New Moon Meditation “Thunderbolt of Shiva”

New Moon Meditation
“Thunderbolt of Shiva”

Sunday, March 10th, 2024, 11:00am-1:00pm

Join us for this powerful Super New Moon Meditation on a very auspicious day: Maha Shivratri, the festival celebrated every year in reverence of Lord Shiva. The word “Tershula” relates to the thunderbolt of Shiva (one of the Hindu Trinity of Gods): Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva; Shiva is the destroyer or regenerator, the ultimate deliverer.

“Tershula” is the three-pronged trident carried by the Adi Yogi, Shiva the first teacher of Yoga. This symbolizes he conquered the action of the mind perfectly and the qualities or forces that create our experience of the world.

“Tershula” can activate the self-healing process. This meditation balances the three gunas—the three qualities that permeate all creation: rajas, tamas, and sattva. It brings the three nervous systems together and it gives you the ability to heal at a distance, through your touch or through your projection.

Many psychological disorders or imbalances in the personality can be cured through practice of this kriya, and it is helpful in getting rid of phobias, especially father/mother phobia. Tershula can heal everything. This meditation gives the practitioners command of themselves beyond the minds vicissitude’s.

The energy will be multiplied by the New Moon – an extremely powerful time for new beginnings: planting new seeds and putting new cycles into motion. It is a perfect day to start a new project, a new meditation, a new relationship, a new business, apply for a job.

Note: during the event you`ll also learn a very powerful mantra to protect yourself from all negative energy: black magic, psychic attack, evil eye, spells, lawsuits, etc.

Full Moon Meditation The Healing Ring of Tantra

Full Moon Meditation
The Healing Ring of Tantra

Sunday, February 25th, 12pm

Sunday February 25th is the Full Moon and you have the opportunity to experience a very powerful Kundalini Yoga meditation: “The Healing Ring of Tantra”. The healing ring can be used to generate and direct tremendous healing energy towards any person: a member of the circle, someone at a far distance, or someone located in the center of the circle.

Both givers and seekers are enclosed in the tantric healing ring where powerful healing intentions and cosmic vibrations work together to repair, restore, and preserve health, happiness and holiness. Everyone becomes immersed in the radiant healing energy of the spiritual community and universal consciousness!

The energy will be multiplied by the Full Moon and the spiritual community coming together for this powerful meditation for healing.

There’s a minimum of 11 people required for this meditation; room size can only fit 49, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the Gong Bath right after the meditation!

Note: please bring a picture or have the name of a person/s you would like to send healing to.

New Moon Meditation to Fall in Love with Yourself

New Moon Meditation
to Fall in Love with Yourself

Thursday, February 8th, 6pm

Join us for a unique New Moon Meditation to “Fall in Love with Yourself” during this special time before Valentine’s Day. The phases of the Moon have a direct influence on human thoughts and emotions. Harness this celestial energy to journey inward, cultivating self-love and connecting with your inner Divinity.

Transformation in the game of love requires a complete reorientation to the rules of the game. In order to truly experience love, and union, we must begin living a new rule book. We have been trained to look for that one person – our soul mate – who can fulfill our longing, who can give us what we believe we need or want from a relationship. To truly love, we must first fulfill that longing within ourselves, with the Infinite, the love of God. Anything else less will fall short. No human being can fill that particular space – not even a soul mate.

Then, from that fullness of love, that union within ourselves, we can begin to truly love everyone. We can serve with equanimity all who come to seek solace, healing or forgiveness. We can love the enemy & the friend, and we have the capacity to sacrifice for others without losing ourselves.

Love is Love. There’s no condition. There`s no lack. Love can only be received & given from the fullness of the liberated heart. Free yourself from ego, so that you can know love and share it with all!

“Love is a creative energy, an experience of one’s Self within oneself.”

Immerse yourself in the Love Sounds of the Gong Bath right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 49, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Reiki Level 1 Attunement and Certification Training

Reiki Level 1 Attunement and Certification Training
with Mahadev

Coming Soon, 10 am – 5 pm
$198 (2nd time audit $98)

BUNDLE Reiki Level I & II, $368

Learn to bring healing comfort to yourself, loved ones, clients, pets and more.

Anyone can learn Reiki! No experience necessary!

Reiki is a natural, safe, and effective healing system that uses Spiritually Guided Universal Energy to treat physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. It is a holistic system for balancing, healing and harmonizing all aspects of your well-being. It is proven to generate meaningful results. In addition, Reiki is used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth.

Level 1 Reiki is ideal for anyone interested in learning more about energy healing, how it works, and the benefits. During the training you will learn & experience:

  • smudging & pendulum use
  • history & principles of Reiki
  • main chakra centers
  • scanning the aura & chakras with your palms
  • treating yourself with Reiki
  • how to give a complete Reiki treatment
  • hand positions for treating others & pets
  • and much more!

After the attunement, Reiki energy flows through the hands of the Reiki practitioner and can be directed for self-healing or others. The energy helps to reestablish balance and harmony on the physical, emotional, and spiritual planes so that the natural function of the body is restored. Reiki differs from other healing methods in that a specific attunement process is used to prepare students for the flow of healing energy.

Reiki can be used to enrich your everyday life and also help lead you along your spiritual path.

Students are encouraged to explore their individual strengths, and each individual’s path and needs is honored and respected.

Training includes both in-class theory (manual is provided) and hands-on practice.

No matter if you want to restore the general condition of your body, open the energy channels or expand your consciousness and spiritual awareness, Reiki is the perfect way to do it!

Give Yourself the Gift of Reiki!

Please email cosmin@rykyoga.com if you would like to attend online. 

Full Moon Meditation to Open Your 3rd Eye

Full Moon Meditation
to Open Your 3rd Eye

Thursday, January 25th 2024, 6:00pm-8:00pm

January 25th is the Full Moon, and we’ll celebrate it together with Indra Nittri Meditation. This meditation is believed to use the most powerful mantra: ‘Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad’. It is believed that through this meditation, every pore of the body becomes an all-seeing eye. In this state, the body becomes a temple, experiencing the Infinite, as knowledge and bliss flow through.

This meditation was taught by Guru Nanak to his second son, Baba Siri Chand, the reincarnation of Lord Shiva. His son became a great baal yogi. That is a yogi who does not age, who still looks like a young boy, even in his old age. It is said that Baba Siri Chand lived for over 160 years.

The mantra must be chanted in a sacred manner. After its chanting, maintaining positive thoughts and words is wise, as you will be in a state of manifestation. This chant is highly creative; anything said will be amplified and manifested with great force. In this state, offer your prayers and most positive visions for health, happiness, and whatever you desire in your life.


Indra Nittri meditation brings profound intuition to the practitioner. It represents knowledge that flows through the soul. This practice expands your ability to sense and foresee events, offers guidance, and helps in opening your third eye.

The effects of all spiritual practices multiply a thousandfold under the full moon. 

Immerse yourself in the powerful sounds of the Gong Bath right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

New Moon Meditation for Prosperity

New Moon Meditation
for Prosperity

Thursday, January 11th, 2024, 6:00pm-8:00pm

Use the auspicious energy of the New Moon to start your New Year off right; this is the time for new beginnings: planting new seeds and putting new cycles into motion.

Prosperity, like many other things for which we strive, manifests itself when we remember that God is within us. When we center our attention on becoming one with the Infinite, we become more present in the now; being really present in the now produces the consciousness, which creates prosperity as a way of life.

In the yogic tradition, practicing this meditation opens us to the opportunity to explore and recognize the bounty we already have. Not stepping up to the plate is a form of denial, and when we ignore our financial picture, we also put at risk our essence, our skills and talents, our beauty, consciousness, and capabilities – everything about ourselves that is really essential to a life of true abundance, prosperity, and wealth. It is when we begin to acknowledge what and who we are and what we have that the Universe opens itself to us, and we can reap its vast rewards.

“If God has written with His own hands that you shall live under misfortune, then by doing Subagh Kriya you can turn your misfortune into prosperity, fortune, and good luck.” – Yogi Bhajan

Stop hustling and let prosperity reach you!

Immerse yourself in the powerful sounds of the Gong Bath right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

2024 New Year’s Eve Celebration

2024 New Year’s Eve Celebration

Kundalini Yoga • Meditation • Gong Bath • Numerology
Ancient Yogic Cosmology • Eat • Drink • Dance! 

Sunday, December 31st, 9pm – Midnight

Join us in celebrating New Year’s Eve – an end and a beginning – a joyous occasion to gracefully bid farewell to 2023 while stepping into a fresh new cycle. In this special 3-hour event, you will experience ancient Kriyas and powerful Meditations to connect with gratitude for the gifts and challenges of the past year. Let go of the old, clear karma, and open yourself to a peaceful start for the New Year, ready for prosperity!

This is a perfect time to consciously release the old and plant the seeds of your dreams. Each day we are blessed with a new opportunity to grow stronger, love deeper and live fuller lives.

Embark on an exciting journey into the dynamic and promising landscape of 2024, where fresh opportunities, ambitious goals, and transformative changes are on the horizon. It will be an intense year with extraordinary possibilities awaiting. Parts of the world might experience favorable economic expansion, coupled with significant political and social changes.

A rise in spiritual journeys and an intensified dedication to learning and experiencing more, fueled by motivation and a spiritual awakening.

Join us as we say goodbye to 2023 and welcome 2024 with powerful group consciousness – the key to universal consciousness. Immerse yourself in the deep healing and restoration of a special Gong Bath, Eat, Drink, Chant, Dance and Enjoy yourself with the Spiritual Community!

Let us gather with our soul family on this enchanted evening, release the past, and set the energy for an auspicious New Year!

The event is hosted in an exquisite private setting.  IN-PERSON spots SOLD OUT.

ONLINE spots Available. 

Full Moon Meditation for Forgiveness

Full Moon Meditation
for Forgiveness

Tuesday, December 26th, 6pm – 8pm

Join us for the last Full Moon of this year, an auspicious time to make a big step on your Spiritual Path: Forgive and be Forgiven. It is a fact that you can`t walk on a path of light without getting “past the past”.


To forgive is most literally, to forth-give, in other words, to move forward. Life presents many opportunities to forgive others, as well as yourself, for mistakes made in the past. Unforgiven issues often prevent wonderful things in your life from coming to fruition. You`re actually using the energy in the “wrong” direction. Learn to let go and move on to enjoy life!

While working on forgiveness, it is common to realize that part of our journey requires us to also forgive ourselves. Forgiveness is an acceptance of the past: you call back all your energy from the past so that you can create in the present.

Experience the amazing miracle of forgiveness, allow your heart to be free of guilt, resentment, judgments and hate!

“The power of forgiveness transcends time and space and allows us to move forward with ease and confidence.  As we forgive ourselves, forgive others and receive forgiveness, our hearts open to the light and love within.” – Yogi Bhajan

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 29, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Winter Solstice Meditation

Celebrate the Winter Solstice

A Journey of Light, Renewal, and Ancient Wisdom

FREE Online Community Event

Wednesday, December 20th,  6pm-8pm

Celebrate the transformative power of the Winter Solstice with us! Our free meditation event is not just a gathering; it’s a spiritual awakening that connects you to the rhythms of mother nature and the infinite universe. As we mark the shortest day and the longest night, we embrace a time of introspection, release limiting beliefs, and setting intentions for a brighter future.

This special event blends the magic of the winter solstice with the ancient practice of Kundalini Yoga. Experience powerful Kundalini Pranayama, Kriyas and Meditations, designed to awaken your inner energy and bring balance to your body and mind. These time-honored techniques, steeped in tradition, offer a unique way to tap into the solstice’s transformative energy.

Aligned with the astrological shift into Capricorn, we’ll harness this period’s potent energy for manifestation. It’s the perfect time to embrace change, set ambitious goals, and lay the groundwork for the year ahead.

Our meditation and Kundalini practices will help you delve deep into your inner self, planting seeds of intention and embracing the introspective energy of the solstice. This is your chance to connect with ancient wisdom, trust your intuition, and navigate the path ahead with clarity and purpose.

Join us for this unique and energizing experience, combining the serene power of meditation with the dynamic energy of Kundalini Yoga. Together, we’ll celebrate light, life, and the timeless journey of rebirth. Set your intentions, find inner peace, and welcome the new year with an open heart and renewed spirit. Your transformative spiritual journey begins here!

New Moon Meditation for a New You

New Moon Meditation
for a New You

Tuesday, December 12th, 6pm – 8pm, $30 in-person, $20 online

Join us for a very powerful meditation to shed the past, release old lingering emotions, have a great catharsis and move free into the New Year. Use this unique opportunity to prepare yourself for a new, healthier, and happier year 2024!

During this unique and dynamic meditation, we will journey through five stages: deep breathing, cathartic expression, active mantra, silence, free dance, and celebrating. This meditation is a fast, intense, and thorough way to clear old, ingrained physical and mental patterns that keep one imprisoned in the past. It is powerful catharsis that will leave you feeling refreshed both physically and mentally and allow real inner bliss to emerge.

This technique purifies the body of toxic and repressed emotions while increasing alertness and witnessing silence and peace. You will enjoy being more open with a new clear & creative mind, and a feeling of connectedness with everything around.

The group energy, and New Moon will enhance your individual experience.
Wear comfortable clothes, ready to move and release for a New You!

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

There are only 29 spots for this particular meditation, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Full Moon Meditation for the Arcline & to Clear the Karmas

Full Moon Meditation
for the Arcline & to Clear the Karmas

Tuesday, November 28th, 6pm

Come and be part of a profoundly impactful full moon meditation experience, a wonderful chance to release karmic ties, embrace the future, and prepare for the upcoming year. Match these auspicious times with a great ancient meditation “for the Arcline & to clear the Karmas” – a hand of prayer to control the psyche and elevate you.

Known as the Halo – the Arcline extends from earlobe to earlobe, across the hairline and brow. This is your projection, your radiance, your command center. It gives you the ability to focus, to concentrate, and to meditate.  A brilliant arcline is recognized by many cultures as the mark of a realized transcendent consciousness.

The Karmas are the results of choices and attachments and come from actions that are not done in the care free service and rhythm of the totality of consciousness. The Karmas have come from fear and from identifying with the finite self and ego. “The Meditation for the Arcline & to clear the Karmas” enables you to gently erase the tarnished detritus from your arc line using a precise combination of projection, sound current and mudra movement typical of the multi-sensory mode of a Kundalini Yoga kriya.

Erase the akashic record of cause and effect and through meditation stand redeemed! The balance we achieve accounts for our exit from the planet and for our merger with God, or for our next reincarnation. Take a conscious decision for an easier departure.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 68, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

New Moon Meditation to Connect You with Your True Destiny

New Moon Meditation

to Connect You with Your True Destiny

Tuesday, November 14th, 6pm

On this New Moon celebrate with us the most famous festival of the year: Diwali “Festival of Lights” symbolizing the victory of righteousness and the lifting of spiritual darkness. The festival spiritually signifies knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, hope over despair, making it a very auspicious time for prayer and meditation.

Through breathing, moving and chanting we prepare ourselves to receive the energy of the Divine which will direct us into our True Destiny. These sacred tools from Kundalini Yoga help a person to receive in a state of deepest love and humility, all that one needs to be successful and a pure channel of light in this Aquarian Age.

The “Be in Flow with Your Highest Wisdom – Waheguru Wahejio” meditation blesses you and allows you the Grace to touch the innermost space inside of you and to merge into the flow of universal light. The effect of this mantra and mudra is that it tunes you into the Divine energy that is accessible to all of us.  Yet to access this energy we must be in balance inside and in relationship to the energy.

This meditation connects you “to the wider flow of the universe, both known and unknown. This Projection links the essence of your purpose to the greater minds and souls in the cosmos.  Your message and needs are projected into them, and help and knowledge come back to serve you and complete your goal.  It is a prayerful Projection for a unified response from the universe.” – Yogi Bhajan

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Meditation

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Meditation

Sunday, October 29th, 12pm-2pm

Step into the cosmic embrace of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, marking the closure of one chapter and the birth of another. This celestial event is not just a moment; it’s a catalyst for your spiritual journey and personal growth, promising a profound transformational experience that will shape your path forward.

What Awaits You:

The Grand Finale of 2023: This Lunar Eclipse signifies the pinnacle of the year’s celestial dance. Seize this final opportunity in 2023 to immerse yourself in its transformative energy.

Meditation and Spiritual Enrichment: Embark on a meditative journey, harnessing the eclipse’s energy to nurture your inner self. Bid farewell to outdated patterns, habits, and beliefs, freeing yourself from the past and illuminating your way toward a brighter future.

Embrace Optimism: Feel the burdens of doubt and uncertainty lift off your shoulders. This celestial event guides you to unite your spiritual essence with your material ambitions, finding alignment and rediscovering your innate purpose.

Nourish Your Relationships: Amidst significant life changes, this eclipse may stir feelings of anxiety about relationships and self-worth. Awaken to the importance of self-care, nurture your needs, and foster meaningful connections with others.

Healing Gong Bath: Following the meditation, surrender to the harmonious vibrations of a powerful Gong bath. Let the soothing sounds wash over you, restoring balance to your mind, body, and spirit.

Limited Spots: Only 39 spaces are available for this transformative experience. RSVP now to secure your spot and let the cosmic energies guide you toward a future filled with hope, purpose, and spiritual fulfillment.

Full Moon Blue Gap Meditation

Full Moon Blue Gap Meditation

Thursday, October 26th, 6pm

Special times require special tools: we are currently going through a grey period, a time of an epochal transition of the planet into the Aquarian Age. The gap between the past Piscean base informational wave and the current Aquarian base vibrational consciousness frequency is constantly growing. All these changes clearly reflect in the whole world around us.

Old teachings describe this gap as the “Blue Gap” – a state of conditions that are adopted as stress responses to these exceptional times, such as increased mental illness, sensitivity, stimulation and a tendency towards isolation. It is increasingly hard to relate to the “younger” generations.

“In our human relativity, in our sensitivity, our mental projection and our mental activity, there’s going to be a great change. It is very essential for the human race to be watchful, to be creative and to be equipped with a positive channelizing method for mental energy. There will be new changes and new trends in the human race. It’s a fundamental, basic change which is happening.” – Yogi Bhajan

Practice of this meditation helps us relate to the newest generation, and sense everything “clear, calm and quiet.” Overflow with energy, touch the hearts of others and fill their emptiness!

Your energy will be at its highest – use it to go inward, transcend the mind, and feel the Divinity within. The time of the full moon is a period when spiritual energies are uniquely available and facilitate a closer rapport between humanity and the Divinity!

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

New Moon Meditation – Divine Mother Meditation – Kundalini Bhakti Mantra

New Moon Meditation
Divine Mother Meditation – Kundalini Bhakti Mantra

Thursday, October 12th, 6pm-8pm

Join us and celebrate Navaratri – one of the greatest spiritual festivals that symbolizes the triumph of good over evil. During this time Durga the Goddess of Valor, Lakshmi the Goddess of Wealth and Saraswati the Goddess of Knowledge are worshipped as three different manifestations of Shakti, or cosmic energy.

The Divine Mother Meditation is for the great feminine creative force, the ultimate feminine power inherent in all Creation. This devotional mantra calls upon the Mother Power. By meditating on it one can obtain a deeper understanding of the constant interplay between the manifest and the unmanifest qualities of the cosmos and consciousness. This powerful mantra belongs to all women to call upon any time: “When women knew this mantra, she was a living goddess.” – Yogi Bhajan

When a woman chants this mantra the Universal Energy will serve her. Break the barrier of intellect – let your heart open up to Infinity. Nothing can come between Atma (Soul) and Paramatma (Universal Soul) when there`s Love!

This meditation can eliminate fear and fulfill the longings of the heart. It gives you the power to act by removing the insecurities that block action. Practicing the Adi Shakti meditation helps heal feelings of loss and abandonment regarding our biological mothers, and help women connect with the universal and archetypal Mother.

Any man or woman can use this wonderful mantra to get in touch and expand their own powerful feminine energy!

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Full Moon Meditation to Make the Impossible Possible

Full Moon Meditation
to Make the Impossible Possible

Thursday, September 28, 6pm – 8pm PST

Join us for the Full Moon Meditation on this auspicious day, concluding the festival celebrating Lord Ganesha’s Birthday!

This beautiful and powerful meditation has a history in its name. The ancient symbol for this was the Hindu God of Wisdom, Prosperity, Happiness and Good Fortune – Ganesha. The other name for Ganesha is Gunpati. Ganesha was depicted as a rotund man with the head of an elephant. This huge body balances and rides on a rat, conveying the message that even the impossible can be done with this meditation. The rat represents the quality of penetration. A rat can get in almost any place.

Lord Ganesha can know anything and can get past any blockages. Wisdom and wise choices grant you happiness in your life. The impact of this meditation is to clear the blocks from your own karma. Each of us has three regions of life to conquer: the past which is recorded in our samskaras and which brings us the challenges and blessings of fate are balanced by these sounds; the present which must be mastered by karma yoga, the practice of action with integrity in the moment; and the future, recorded in the ether and, which at its best and most fulfilled, is called dharma.

This meditation allows you to let go of the attachments to the mind and to the impact of past actions so you can create and live a fulfilled life and a perfect future.

All spiritual practice’s effect multiplies a thousandfold under the full moon.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

The event will be live streamed from the RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center, NC.

New Moon Solar Eclipse Meditation Event – Embrace the Cosmic Shift

New Moon Solar Eclipse Meditation Event
Embrace the Cosmic Shift

Saturday October 14th 9am-11am, $30 IN-PERSON, $20 ONLINE

Step into the heart of an extraordinary cosmic journey, where celestial forces converge in a powerful interplanetary consciousness activation cycle. Join us on October 14th for a momentous celebration featuring not only a Solar Eclipse but also the arrival of the New Moon – a profoundly auspicious time for prayer and meditation!

Why Attend?

Soulful Exploration: Dive deep within as the Solar Eclipse encourages profound meditation and spiritual introspection, paving the way for significant life changes and fresh beginnings.

Transformative Practices: Experience the magic of Kundalini Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, and Relaxation, amplified by the harmonious healing sounds of the Gong Bath. These ancient techniques and teachings will guide you through the eclipse’s energy, ensuring you’re in tune with the universe’s rhythm.

Cosmic Revelations: Solar eclipses, especially during the new moon phase, unveil hidden truths and compel us to address what we’ve been avoiding. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Remember, any setbacks encountered during eclipse periods ultimately align us with our higher purpose and propel us towards spiritual evolution.

What to Expect from this Eclipse:

Relationship Revelations: Brace yourself for transformative shifts in your relationships, mirroring the cosmic dance above and bringing about new perspectives and responses.

Consciousness Expansion: Witness the celestial spectacle at its peak as you immerse yourself in meditation and spiritual practices, harnessing the eclipse’s maximum energy for inner transformation.

Spiritual Family: Surround yourself with a community of like-minded souls, all attuned to the cosmic vibrations. Together, we’ll create a field charged with positive energy and transformative intentions.

Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and cosmic alignment. The New Moon Solar Eclipse Meditation Event is a profound opportunity for personal metamorphosis.

Join us as we harness the celestial energies and welcome the dawn of a new chapter. Let the universe guide your inner light and illuminate your path toward spiritual enlightenment.

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Silent Meditation Retreat

Silent Meditation Retreat
Weekend Meditation Retreat

September 21 – 24, 2023

RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center, near Asheville, NC

Escape the noise and chaos of daily life and give yourself the gift of a silent retreat. Our program offers a unique opportunity to disconnect from the external world, quiet the mind and reconnect with yourself on a deeper level.

During the retreat, you’ll take a vow of silence, which means no talking during meditation, meals, yoga, or any other activities. By removing distractions and verbal communication, you can reach a deep level of contemplation and reflection. The silence allows you to process thoughts and emotions, stop reacting to negative impulses, and become more aware & alert.

“Through the portals of silence, the healing sun of wisdom and peace will shine upon you.” Paramahansa Yogananda

In addition to the physical and mental cleanse, a silent retreat also provides a much-needed digital detox. You will have the space for reflection and introspection, allowing you to process and manage your thoughts and emotions. By disconnecting from the outside world, you can increase your focus, efficiency, and productivity, even beyond the retreat.

Our daily program includes meditations, yoga and non-doing activities, creating a relaxing and transformative atmosphere for your inner journey. And with breathtaking and tranquil natural surroundings, you’ll be able to appreciate the beauty and joy of the world around you in a new, fresh way.

Whether you are a beginner or have been meditating for years, our retreat is open to all backgrounds and levels. A silent retreat can bring profound results for any spiritual seeker looking to discover their most authentic self and experience true transformation.

Invest in your mental health and wellbeing today. Join our silent retreat and emerge feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to take on life’s challenges with greater focus and joy. The gift of silence is waiting for you!


Sign up by September 7th and save $150 per person!

NC: Sufi “The Path of the Heart”

Sufi “The Path of the Heart”
7 Day Meditation Retreat

September 3 – 10, 2023

RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center, near Asheville, NC

Embark on a spiritual journey of the heart and discover the transformative power of Sufi teachings and meditation! Join us for a unique and life-changing retreat based on the tradition and practices of Sufism: the mystical path of love to inner self and union with the Divine.

As you delve into the world of Sufism, learn about the history, background, different orders and techniques of the Sufi tradition, explore the beauty of its poetry, music and dancing, share stories of transformation that have been passed down through the generations.

Experience the oneness that comes when merging with the Beloved by practicing various Sufi meditation techniques, mantras, breathing exercises, whirling and devotion.

The core of Sufi practices is to consciously and continuously maintain an awareness of the Divine presence until there is no more duality and a complete union with the universe emerges. Experience love, joy, and peace in your life as you fall in love with yourself and the whole existence.

Enjoy the amazing natural setting and great energy of our retreat center, as well as the company of a like-minded spiritual community. Nourish with organic Ayurvedic food that supports your journey of purification and rejuvenation.

Come and join us for a transformative experience that will stay with you long after the retreat is over. Discover the beauty and magic of the Sufi spiritual path of the heart!

“Only from the heart can you touch the sky.” – Rumi


Sign up by August 20th and save $200 per person!

New Moon Meditation to Heal Anxiety & Remove Fear

New Moon Meditation
to Heal Anxiety and Remove Fear

Thursday, September 14, 6pm – 8pm, $30 IN-PERSON, $20 ONLINE

Start the New Moon the right way: tame your runaway nerves, anxiety & fears with an ancient Kundalini Meditation.

Fear and anxiety are feelings everyone experiences at some point, especially during these special times.  However, if these feelings persist, we start to react physiologically, the breath becomes irregular and can cause panic attacks, sweating or heart palpitations.  If we are anxious over a longer period of time, the body gets into the habit of having an automatic mental and physiological response. Without regular exercise and meditation, these negative thought patterns firmly establish themselves into our subconscious mind and deep within the cells of our body.

With the transition into the Aquarian Age there are a lot of changes taking place and this is creating a lot of fear in people. Anyone who has been following the news lately knows we are living in an uncertain future and the world can seem like utter chaos without hope or a future. Every person on planet Earth is affected by this shift. This shift is bringing out the best and the worst in mankind.

It is up to you how you handle this: you can live with anxiety & fear or you can do something about it! Empower yourself: accept, understand and transcend all your fears & anxiety!

The energy will be multiplied by the New Moon – an extremely powerful time for new beginnings: planting new seeds and putting new cycles into motion to start a new project, a new meditation, a new business.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Super Full Moon Meditation to Open all Chakras & the Flow of Kundalini

Super Full Moon Meditation
to Open all Chakras & the Flow of Kundalini

Tuesday, August 1st, 6pm-8pm

On August 1st we celebrate a powerful Super Full Moon with a great Kundalini Yoga meditation: Antar Naad Mudra, also known as Kabadshe meditation. This practice combines a very powerful chanting and Antar Naad, the moving mudra: the cycle of mantra and mudra is a key to open all chakras & the flow of kundalini. The new awareness will give you authority to make the right choices to conquer the ugliness of life and you will be peaceful and secure. The moon is fully reflecting the sun`s energy creating an auspicious time for Kundalini to rise.

The Kabadshe meditation is a sensitizing meditation for the impact of the inner sound current. It is the base of all mantras. The esoteric structure of the mantra is coded in the qualities each of the sounds represent, and the rhythm that weaves them together into a coherent and powerful effect. Anyone who practices this meditation is granted prosperity, creativity, and protection against attacks. It gives new power to your words.

Humans are naturally accelerated on full moon; we are at the highest, use this energy to go inward, transcend the mind, and feel the Divinity within. The time of the full moon is a period when spiritual energies are uniquely available and facilitate a closer rapport between humanity and the Divinity.

All spiritual practice’s effect multiplies a thousand fold under the full moon.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

NC: Lion’s Gate Portal Activation

Lion’s Gate Portal Activation
7 Day Meditation Retreat

August 6 – 13, 2023

RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center, near Asheville, NC

Discover the power of the Lion’s Gate with our upcoming meditation retreat! Join us for a transformative experience as we celebrate this special cosmic alignment between the Earth, the Sun, and Sirius – the “Spiritual Sun”. Our ancestors believed that Sirius was the gateway to heaven and home to highly evolved beings. Now, we can tap into its powerful energy to awaken and upgrade our DNA, and reach new levels of spiritual evolution.

Using ancient practices from Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, we’ll harness the energy of the Lion’s Gate to enhance your energy field, awaken your Divine Self, and embody it within your physical form. The cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms during this auspicious time brings advanced wisdom, high vibrational frequencies, and an opportunity for profound transformation.

But that’s not all. Our retreat is set amidst an awe-inspiring natural setting, far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Here, you’ll have the chance to detox and nourish yourself with an organic Ayurvedic diet while immersing yourself in a spiritual community.

Meditating during the Lion’s Gate can bring about many spiritual benefits, including increased spiritual awareness, accelerated spiritual growth, connections with spiritual guides and teachers, manifestation, and healing.

The auspicious and powerful energy of the Lion’s Gate is essential for the human software/mind upgrade, unlocking the full potential and creating important changes in one’s life.

Come for our meditation retreat and experience the transformative power of this special cosmic alignment for yourself! This is a unique opportunity to connect with the energy of this portal and create positive changes in your life while elevating your consciousness.

8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal Activation

8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal Activation
FREE ONLINE Community Event

Tuesday, August 8th, 6PM PST (9PM EST), FREE ONLINE

Join us for a unique event celebrating the special cosmic alignment: the Lion`s Gateway. This is an auspicious time of increased energy through a dynamic portal between the Earth, the Sun and Sirius – our “Spiritual Sun”.

Our ancestors believed Sirius was the gateway to heaven and the home of highly evolved beings. The increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms brings advanced wisdom, high vibrational frequencies to awaken & upgrade your DNA, and an opportunity for continuing and accelerating your evolution.

By using ancient practices from Kundalini Yoga and Meditation we’ll tap into profound and powerful source of spiritual light to enhance your energy field, awaken your Divine Self and embody it within your physical form.

The energy of Sirius and this alignment with the Earth and the Sun opens up a channel to lift our consciousness to new heights, with courage, power and abundance! In numerology the number 8/8 represents infinity, immortality and DNA activation, allowing us to take this abundant energy and infuse at the cellular level of our being.

The event will be live streamed from the RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center, NC.

New Moon Meditation to Rotate the Psyche of the Universe

New Moon Meditation
to Rotate the Psyche of the Universe

Tuesday, August 15th, 6pm-8pm

This New Moon in Leo brings elevated levels of energy teaching us to recognize and celebrate who we really are as humans. Let’s use this to go inward for healing ourselves, our communities, countries and the whole world.

Take your practice one step further with “Sudarshan Chakra Kriya” an ancient Kundalini Yoga meditation that gives you the “power to rotate the psyche of the universe” and lets you command your five tattvas for effective living. Through chanting and visualization this meditation brings mental balance, protection, eliminates enemies and blocks the impact of animosity.

Open your heart and lead your life from the heart! “The heart has the power of 108 suns. Whenever you pray with the head, it takes a long time before you see the desired goal. Your head works like a computer, and whenever you pray with the head, it is a very long, slow process. Whenever you sing or pray from your heart, it will be timeless, spaceless, and absolutely effective. It works. Praying from the heart is 108 trillion times more effective than praying from the head.” – Yogi Bhajan

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Intro to the Science of Meditation

Intro to the Science of Meditation
Weekend Meditation Retreat

August 24 – 27, 2023

RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center, near Asheville, NC

Unlock the full potential of your mind and body with our retreat on the Science of Meditation. This special program is designed to give you a comprehensive introduction to the world of meditation, including its many benefits, different methods of practice, and practical tips for incorporating it into your daily life.

Whether you’re new to meditation or looking to deepen your practice, this retreat is the perfect opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the power of this ancient spiritual practice.

“Meditation is nothing but a device to make you aware of your real self – which is not created by you, which need not be created by you, which you already are. You are born with it. You are it! It.” – Osho

Meditation is known to reduce stress, negative emotions and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, increase self-awareness, promote a sense of inner peace and well-being. It can also improve sleep, boost the immune system, lower blood pressure and much more.

Enjoy the amazing natural setting and great energy of our retreat center, far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life as well as the company of a like-minded spiritual community. Detox and nourish with organic Ayurvedic food that supports your journey of purification and rejuvenation.

Unleash the potential of your mind for a healthier and happier life. Join us for this special retreat to discover the benefits of incorporating a regular meditation practice for yourself!

Blue Full Moon Meditation for Intuition

Blue Full Moon Meditation
for Intuition

Tuesday, August 29th, 6pm-8pm

A “blue moon” is a rare and magical time when the Full Moon appears twice in a month. This happens infrequently and it is considered auspicious and a blessing to enjoy this opportunity. The next phenomena doesn’t occur again until 2026.

The Full Moon on August 29th brings in a very complex energy that can be channeled towards spiritual growth, love and peace. As human beings we need an open heart and a keen intuition in order to navigate through these special times.

Dhrib Dhristi Lochina Karma Kriya is “the action of acquiring insight into the future.” This powerful yet simple meditation was first taught by Yogi Bhajan on the eve of a full moon. When practiced at this time, the effects are great as the subconscious mind is fully open to the vibratory action of the meditation. The pituitary gland is stimulated to secrete, which in turn opens and develops your intuition.

Honest practice of this kriya is said to impart many benefits: the power to heal with the eyes & with your hands, the ability to project your personality or your bodily sensations anytime, anywhere, and feel what`s going on. According to tradition, your words will have the power to penetrate deeply; you will learn to talk inspiringly and your words will always represent the truth of a given situation; you will always know the consequence of any sequence of actions that you start.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Breathe – The Power of Pranayama

Breathe – The Power of Pranayama
Weekend Meditation Retreat

July 27 – 30, 2023

RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center

Are you ready to experience the power of your breath and connect more consciously with your life energy? Join us at RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center for a transformative retreat on the science and art of breathing.

Our program offers ancient breathing techniques to awaken your source energy and help you melt into the bliss of existence. With practical teachings that fit into your daily life, learn the basics of breath, kriyas, and pranayama – an excellent start to a yoga breathing practice.

Connect with the life force to expand your awareness and connect more consciously to your emotions, thoughts, and life in general. Our practical approach to breathwork makes it easy to integrate into your daily life, while still honoring the classical yoga tradition of pranayama.

“Breath is life and life is breath. There is no difference between the two.” – Yogi Bhajan

Discover how to use your breath to initiate meditation, deep relaxation, and easily transform your health and wellbeing. Strengthen your nervous system, build your immune system and eliminate reactions to stress, promoting vitality and vigor.

Modern science has proven the benefits of harnessing the power of our breath. With measurable results such as lowering blood pressure, eliminating anxiety and negative reactions, depression, and even asthma & autoimmune diseases, it’s no wonder that breathwork is becoming increasingly popular.

The benefits of proper breathing go beyond just physical health. By learning to control your breath, you gain control over your emotions and experience greater clarity of thought, concentration, and productivity. You are more creative, prosperous, and feel a deeper sense of connectedness to the beautiful world around you.

By practicing different breathing techniques and meditations, you deepen your understanding and experience the breath as the essence of life and the Divine within us. Start breathing correctly, and watch your body, mind, and spirit achieve their fullest potential!

At RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center, we believe that learning to control your breath is the key to controlling your mind and your life. Start your journey towards optimal health, vitality, and spiritual awakening by joining us for this life-changing retreat!

New Moon Meditation to Heal Ancestral Karma

New Moon Meditation
to Heal Ancestral Karma

Tuesday, July 18th, 2023, 6:00pm-8:00pm

During this auspicious new moon we come together to celebrate the special Parents Day – in honor of your mother and father, along with all your ancestors in your family blood lineage. Karma operates not only individually, but also in ever-enlarging circles of group karma where we participate in the sum karma of multiple souls. This includes family, community, nation, race and even planetary group karma.

Within families there is a karmic inheritance that is handed down the family line along with the genetic blueprint. It is believed that the soul “picks” certain family lineages to incarnate into because it is these lineages that would provide us a tremendous amount of soul’s growth if we were able to break free from these patterns and it would also help our family lines break free from their bondage as well.

Each generation must carry forward the evolutionary trajectory of the family line, making the best use of the ancestral blessings and dissolving the ancestral curses. We share a karmic bond with us from seven generations in the past and seven generations into the future and it is our duty to consciously work on breaking the link and heal the lineage karma. Help your ancestors resolve their grief and pave the road ahead for the future generations still to come.

Heal your family karma and liberate your soul from any constrictive patterns to live your true life!

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

NC: Clearing the Subconscious Mind

Clearing the Subconscious Mind
7 Day Meditation Retreat

July 9 – 16, 2023

RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center

There are only two relationships you can have with your own mind: it is either a great servant helping you live the life you have always wanted or it is your worst enemy hindering you from creating the future you desire!

95% of your life is controlled by your subconscious mind via programming, and limiting belief systems downloaded in your software by your family, education system, religion and society in general. That means that you are really in charge of only maximum 5% of the things you experience in your life. You have actually been conditioned to grow into who you are and to live the life you do right now.

If you do not want to be a victim of your subconscious then you have a choice: un-program all the beliefs that drive your behavior and make up a distorted reality.

“What you think you become”

Your subconscious mind is the key to success: understand it, clean it and take control. It is your mind that has the power to stop you from living a fulfilling, successful life or sabotage you into a negative and unhappy existence.

Through most effective and powerful tools from Kundalini Yoga, along with ancient Meditations you can upgrade your subconscious programming. Just like you uninstall apps from your phone so you have to maintain your mind clean and updated with the best version of the software to serve you.

Whatever facet of your life you want to change (health, prosperity, relationships, emotional, spiritual growth, etc) you must use the power of the mind to re-design a conscious life that gives you contentment, joy, excellence and awareness!

Let’s use very powerful ancient techniques along with being in the middle of mother nature in a special, secluded and peaceful environment to shift you from an unconscious living to a higher frequency where you can access your true self and your highest potential!

NC: Summer Solstice “Rewrite Your Destiny”

Summer Solstice “Rewrite Your Destiny
7 Day Meditation Retreat

June 18 – 25, 2023

RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center

As the energy of the sun reaches its peak, join us for a transformative meditation retreat that takes you on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace. This is the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in a spiritual community and connect with the powerful energy of the Summer Solstice!

Our retreat center is set amidst the breathtaking beauty of nature, offering the perfect setting for you to unplug from the stress of daily life and focus on your inner journey. Whether you’re a seasoned meditator or a beginner, our program is designed to meet you where you are and take you deeper into your practice.

During the retreat you recharge and reconnect with yourself and others, surrounded by the powerful and healing land of North Carolina. Nourish your body with ayurvedic organic vegetarian meals, and renew your spirit with daily kundalini yoga, meditation and other ancient practices. Give yourself time to relax, reflect, and enjoy the beauty of your surroundings.

Experiencing the love and support of the spiritual community during the Solstice, as fellow retreat participants gather for profound transformative work, inner growth is an exhilarating and uplifting event. Leave feeling rejuvenated, centered, and connected to yourself and the world around you.

Gift yourself this incredible opportunity to transform your life and connect with the auspicious power of the Summer Solstice. Join us for a week of meditation, relaxation, and community in a stunning natural setting, unplugging from the Matrix!


New Moon Yoga Nidra & Gong Bath Meditation

New Moon Yoga Nidra
& Gong Bath Meditation

Thursday, June 15th, 2023, 6pm-8pm

Conscious Deep Sleep & Sound Healing

Experience two of the greatest methods of meditation: Yoga Nidra & LIVE Gong and get renewed, rejuvenated and recharged!

Yoga Nidra is one of the deepest forms of all meditations, leading awareness through many levels of mental process to a state of supreme stillness and insight. This method has been known for thousands of years by the sages and yogis, and it refers to the conscious awareness of the Deep Sleep state. Yoga Nidra was taught by the ancients for the purpose of exploring the deep impressions or samskaras (past experiences that form desires that influence future responses and behavior which drive our actions or karma). They taught this so that sincere seekers can purify the deeper aspect of the mind-field, which is accessed in the formless state of conscious Deep Sleep.

While in this receptive state of awareness produced by the Yoga Nidra, the sound & vibration of the Gong is used to create an extended state of deep meditation in a 31 minute Gong Bath. The sound of the Gong creates a therapeutic relaxation that facilitates the movement of praana (vital life energy) through the body for healing and awakens the consciousness for transformation. It is a perfect union of consciousness and sound. Surrender the mind to the sound of the Gong and enter into the transcendental state of shunya (nothingness), where inner truth can be accessed and visions spontaneously arise. Let go and let Gong!

Please wear comfortable clothes & bring a light blanket (or similar) to cover yourself with.

The energy will be multiplied by the New Moon – an extremely powerful and auspicious time for new beginnings.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Summer Solstice & International Day of Yoga FREE Community Event

Summer Solstice & International Day of Yoga

Wednesday, June 21st 2023, 5pm EST – 10pm EST, FREE IN-PERSON, FREE ONLINE

Summer Solstice is a time when the energy of the sun is at its peak and the inward movement & spiritual growth can go the deepest into your being. It is a very powerful day, a gateway to connect with your inner light and consciousness!

At this sacred time, the Earth’s axis reaches its maximum tilt toward the Sun, which has reached its highest point in our sky. It is a moment of abundance, filled with the potential for inner growth.

Join us and honor the light within you this Summer Solstice. Set intentions and celebrate your being and beauty with the spiritual community. Let`s come together on this auspicious day and accelerate your spiritual growth with Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation, Kirtan, Gong Bath, Dancing, Bon Fire and more!

Don’t miss out on this extraordinary event, where the sun’s energy meets the power of community. Mark your calendar for the Summer Solstice & International Day of Yoga celebration and tap into this special energy to unlock the full potential of your being.

Save the date, gather your friends and loved ones, and join us on this remarkable journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Together, let’s make this Summer Solstice a day to remember!

Date: June 21st
Time: 5pm EST – 10pm EST
Location: RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center, 45 minutes from Asheville
Directions: pin location will be emailed upon registering


Full Moon Meditation to Bring Prosperity Home

Full Moon Meditation
to Bring Prosperity Home

Tuesday, June 6th, 2023, 6pm-8pm

Tuesday June 6th we celebrate the Full Moon and you have the opportunity to experience a very powerful Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Prosperity!

Prosperity is a way of living, a form of consciousness. When we relate to our environments from a paradigm of success, then we naturally attract opportunities that serve our highest good. Prosperity is all around us and within us: it is the ability to receive, organize, and use the resources we need to fulfill our highest destiny. We can ask the universe for what we need with confidence and allow prosperity reach us.

The key to opening up this communication is through the control of our mental and energetic flow. When we have command over our perception and our projection then we can enter the stream of abundance. Prosperity is the special gift of the Neutral Mind. The Neutral Mind uses intuition and keeps a sense of meaning and purpose at the center of one’s life efforts. There is awareness about what is needed – what to do next, what not to do, and with whom to connect – for the inner destiny to blossom. Prosperity is not only about wealth or property – it is about fulfillment of your destiny, it is about clarity amidst distractions and diversions.

This meditation provides guidance, clears the blocks to abundance & fills your heart with gratitude and contentment: stop hustling and let the Universe work for you!

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Full Moon Meditation for Spiritual Acceleration

Full Moon Meditation
for Spiritual Acceleration

Sunday, July 2nd, 2023, 12:00pm-2:00pm

The Full Moon in July is the Guru Purnima and many of the spiritual traditions around the world celebrate this special day dedicated to the memory of all Masters. It is the day to review one’s progress on the spiritual path and renew one’s determination and focus on the goal. A day to be grateful for all that you have achieved in the past and resolving all that you want to do in the coming years.


Guru Purnima honors Lord Shiva “the First Yogi” teaching the yogic techniques to his seven students & the great sage Vyasa, who is a symbol of the sacredness of the Guru/disciple tradition. This auspicious day is also celebrated by Buddhists in honor of Lord Buddha, who gave his first sermon on this day.

Use the special energy of the Guru Purnima’s Full Moon, and the group consciousness to accelerate your spiritual practice and continue your journey on your spiritual path. These meditations increase your inner balance, projection & strength while connecting you to the original source of teachings so you may wake up to your soul`s purpose.

All spiritual practice’s effect multiplies a thousandfold under the full moon.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

FREE Community Event: Happy 9th Bday RYK!

FREE Community Event: Happy 9th Bday RYK!

Thursday, July 6th, 2023, 6:00pm-8:00pm, Free IN-PERSON, Free ONLINE

We are thrilled to invite you to a joyous occasion as we celebrate RYK Yoga and Meditation Center’s 9th Birthday!

Since our establishment in 2014, we have been a sanctuary for spiritual growth in the vibrant city of Las Vegas. Over the years, RYK has become the cherished spiritual home for countless seekers like you.

We are delighted to share that RYK has experienced remarkable growth, including the recent addition of the RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center in NC. None of this would have been possible without the unwavering love, dedication, and continuous support from our amazing community.

To mark this special milestone, we cordially invite you to join us in celebration. The event promises to be a delightful experience, featuring Kundalini Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, a rejuvenating Gong Bath, Dance, and, of course, a delicious Cake and Tea to savor!

Let us come together and rejoice! Celebrate RYK’s 9th Anniversary with us!

New Moon Meditation for a Renewed Self Concept

New Moon Meditation for a Renewed Self Concept

Thursday, May 18th, 6:00pm-8:00pm

This powerful New Moon in Taurus brings heightened levels of energy with big potential changes and transit for the months to come. It is a very auspicious time to work on yourself and deeply go inward!

Whatever a child experiences and learns in the first eleven years becomes the foundation of the remaining of his life. The rest are just mere details that we pick up along the way. It is the birth trauma or being abused as a child that need to be released and healed in order to have a healthy and happy adulthood.

Ending an unhealthy relationship or a destructive habit, moving from a dead-end job or a harmful addiction are all forms of change and painful memories that we have to face ourselves in order to move forward. This meditation helps release painful memories of your childhood from day 1 to 11th year and allows you to shift towards a new, auspicious direction.

You will consciously dump the pain, mental garbage, negative memories, discomfort and disease of the past in order to heal the body, purify the mind and experience a wonderful sense of rebirth filled with peace and joy for a New You!

“The idea of Rebirthing is to release the subconscious, the storehouse of misery” – Yogi Bhajan

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 68, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Full Moon Meditation to “Fall in Love with Yourself”

Full Moon Meditation to
“Fall in Love with Yourself”

Sunday, February 5th 2023, 12:00pm-2:00pm

Join us for a unique Full Moon Meditation to “Fall in Love with Yourself” during this special time before Valentine’s Day. Humans are naturally accelerated on full moon; we are at the highest, use this energy to go inward, transcend the mind, feel love and the Divinity within.

Transformation in the game of love requires a complete reorientation to the rules of the game. In order to truly experience love, and union, we must begin living a new rule book. We have been trained to look for that one person – our soul mate – who can fulfill our longing, who can give us what we believe we need or want from a relationship. To truly love, we must first fulfill that longing within ourselves, with the Infinite, the love of God. Anything else less will fall short. No human being can fill that particular space – not even a soul mate.

Then, from that fullness of love, that union within ourselves, we can begin to truly love everyone. We can serve with equanimity all who come to seek solace, healing or forgiveness. We can love the enemy & the friend, and we have the capacity to sacrifice for others without losing ourselves.

Love is Love. There’s no condition. There’s no lack. Love can only be received & given from the fullness of the liberated heart. Free yourself from ego, so that you can know love and share it with all!

“Love is a creative energy, an experience of one’s Self within oneself.” Yogi Bhajan

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LOVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 68, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

2023 New Year’s Eve Celebration

2023 New Year’s Eve Celebration

Kundalini Yoga • Meditation • Gong Bath • Numerology
Ancient Yogic Cosmology • Eat • Drink • Dance! 

Saturday, December 31st, 2022, 9:00pm-12:00am

Celebrate New Year’s Eve with us – an end and a beginning – a joyful event to gracefully release 2022 while moving forward into a fresh new cycle. In this special 3 hour event you will experience ancient Kriyas and powerful Meditations to tap into our gratitude for the gifts and challenges of the past year, let go of the old and clear our karma so we can begin the New Year peaceful and open for prosperity!

This is a perfect time to consciously release the old and plant the seeds of your dreams. Each day we are blessed with a new opportunity to grow stronger, love deeper and live fuller lives.

2023 is a very auspicious year for evolution: spiritual awakening and growth. The focus will be on self-work, intuition and inner wisdom. While many people will turn to self-awareness and meditation others will find themselves isolated and disconnected, spending time alone and away from others. This can create imbalance, depression, and potential issues within relationships. Self-care is a priority while staying confident, focused and motivated!

Join us as we say goodbye to 2022 and welcome 2023 with powerful group consciousness – the key to universal consciousness. Experience the deep healing and restoration of a special Gong Bath, Eat, Drink, Chant, Dance and Enjoy yourself with the Spiritual Community!

Let us gather with our soul family on this enchanted evening, release the past, and set the energy for an auspicious New Year!

The event is hosted in a beautiful private setting. Only 3 IN-PERSON spots left!

Lion’s Gate Portal Activation

Lion’s Gate Portal Activation

Monday, August 8, 2022, 6:00pm

Join us for a unique event celebrating the special cosmic alignment: the Lion’s Gateway. This is an auspicious time of increased energy through a dynamic portal between the Earth and Sirius – our “Spiritual Sun.”

Our ancestors believed Sirius was the gateway to heaven and the home of highly evolved beings. The increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms brings advanced wisdom, high vibrational frequencies to awaken & upgrade your DNA, and an opportunity for evolution.

By using ancient practices from Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, we’ll tap into profound and powerful source of spiritual light to enhance your energy field, awaken your Divine Self and embody it within your physical form.

The energy of Sirius and this alignment with the Earth and the Sun opens up a channel to lift our consciousness to new heights, with courage, power and abundance! In numerology, the number 8/8 represents infinity and DNA activation, allowing us to take this Sirius energy and infuse at the cellular level of our being.

The event will be live streamed from the RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center, NC.

New Moon Meditation for Healing Ourselves and the World

New Moon Meditation
for Healing Ourselves and the World

Thursday, July 28th 2022, 6:00pm-8:00pm

This New Moon in Leo brings elevated levels of energy teaching us to recognize and celebrate who we really are as humans. Let`s use this to go inward for healing ourselves, our communities, countries and the whole world.

Take your practice one step further with “Sudarshan Chakra Kriya” an ancient Kundalini Yoga meditation that gives you the “power to rotate the psyche of the universe” and lets you command your five tattvas for effective living. Through chanting and visualization this meditation brings mental balance, protection, eliminates enemies and blocks the impact of animosity.

Open your heart, lead your life from the heart! “The heart has the power of 108 suns. Whenever you pray with the head, it takes a long time before you see the desired goal. Your head works like a computer, and whenever you pray with the head, it is a very long, slow process. Whenever you sing or pray from your heart, it will be timeless, spaceless, and absolutely effective. It works. Praying from the heart is 108 trillion times more effective than praying from the head.” – Yogi Bhajan

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 68, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

Black New Moon Meditation for Healing

Black New Moon Meditation
for Healing

Tuesday, February 1st 2022, 6:00pm-8:00pm

On February 1st we celebrate a Black New Moon and the beginning of the Lunar Chinese calendar! These higher frequencies bring important changes for all. Use this powerful energy and get healing with the Siri Gaitri Mantra. Certain mantras are to be cherished like the rarest & beautiful gems and this ancient meditation is just such a find. It is unique, and it captures the radiant healing energy of the Cosmos as a gem captures the light of the sun.

This mantra is called a Sushmuna Mantra. It has eight sounds that stimulate the kundalini to flow in the central channel of the spine and the chakras. As this happens there is usually a metabolic adjustment to the new level of energy in the body. The brain is also involved – the sound current balances the five zones of the left and right hemispheres of the brain to activate the Neutral Mind.

Siri Gaitri Mantra also gives you the opportunity to offer a healing prayer for someone in need; when the prayer comes from the heart it is timeless, spaceless and absolutely effective – it can heal anyone anywhere.

In many traditions healing is said to occur when you raise your vibration into Divine Alignment.  According to the Law of Attraction, healing must occur if your vibration matches it. The Siri Gaitri Mantra is a wonderful & effective way of raising your vibration to the frequency of Divine Healing.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 48, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

P.S. – please bring a picture (or name) of the person you want to send healing to.

2022 New Year’s Eve Celebration

2022 New Year’s Eve Celebration

Kundalini Yoga • Meditation • Gong Bath • Numerology
Ancient Yogic Cosmology • Eat • Drink • Dance! 

Friday, December 31st, 2021, 9:00pm-12:00am

Celebrate New Year’s Eve with us – an end and a beginning – a joyful event to gracefully release 2021 while moving forward into a fresh new cycle. In this special 3 hour event you will experience ancient Kriyas and powerful Meditations to tap into our gratitude for the gifts and challenges of the past year, let go of the old and clear our karma so we can begin the New Year peaceful and open for prosperity!

This is a perfect time to consciously release the old and plant the seeds of your dreams. Each day we are blessed with a new opportunity to grow stronger, love deeper, and live fuller lives.

2022 is a year that carries on with the changes from the previous year but brings a new pace so finding equilibrium and a firm foundation is a must. New directions for personal and collective are becoming evident. The energy of the year supports people coming together to improve themselves and especially their communities, with relationships playing a very important role. We need to leave behind the uncertainty of 2021 and make the most out of our new reality.

Join us as we say goodbye to 2021 and welcome 2022 with powerful group consciousness – the key to universal consciousness. Experience the deep healing and restoration of a special Gong Bath, Eat, Drink, Chant, Dance and Enjoy yourself with the Spiritual Community!

Let us gather with our soul family on this enchanted evening, release the past, and set the energy for an auspicious New Year!

New Moon Meditation to Synchronize with the Universal Light

New Moon Meditation
“Synchronize with the Universal Flow of Light”

Thursday, November 4th 2021, 6:00pm-8:00pm

On this New Moon celebrate with us the most famous festival of the year: Diwali “Festival of Lights” symbolizing the victory of righteousness and the lifting of spiritual darkness. The festival spiritually signifies knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, hope over despair, making it a very auspicious time for prayer and meditation.

Through breathing, moving and chanting we prepare ourselves to receive the energy of the Divine which will direct us into our True Destiny. These sacred tools from Kundalini Yoga help a person to receive in a state of deepest love and humility, all that one needs to be successful and a pure channel of light in this Aquarian Age.

The “Be in Flow with Your Highest Wisdom – Waheguru Wahejio” meditation blesses you and allows you the Grace to touch the innermost space inside of you and to merge into the flow of universal light. The effect of this mantra and mudra is that it tunes you into the Divine energy that is accessible to all of us.  Yet to access this energy we must be in balance inside and in relation to the energy.

This meditation connects you “to the wider flow of the universe, both known and unknown. This Projection links the essence of your purpose to the greater minds and souls in the cosmos.  Your message and needs are projected into them, and help and knowledge come back to serve you and complete your goal.  It is a prayerful Projection for a unified response from the universe.” – Yogi Bhajan

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong and the Song of Mother Earth right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 48, please RSVP now to ensure your spot

Full Moon Meditation “Antar Naad Mudra”

Blue Full Moon Meditation
“Antar Naad Mudra”

Open all Chakras and the Flow of Kundalini

Tuesday, August 24th, 6:00pm-8:00pm

August 24th we celebrate a rare Blue Full Moon with a great Kundalini Yoga meditation: Antar Naad Mudra, also known as Kabadshe meditation. This practice combines a very powerful chanting and Antar Naad, the moving mudra: the cycle of mantra and mudra is a key to open all chakras & the flow of kundalini. The new awareness will give you authority to make the right choices to conquer the ugliness of life and you will be peaceful and secure. The moon is fully reflecting the sun’s energy creating an auspicious time for Kundalini to rise.

The Kabadshe meditation is a sensitizing meditation for the impact of the inner sound current. It is the base of all mantras. The esoteric structure of the mantra is coded in the qualities each of the sounds represent, and the rhythm that weaves them together into a coherent and powerful effect. Anyone who practices this meditation is granted prosperity, creativity, and protection against attacks. It gives new power to your words.

Humans are naturally accelerated on full moon; we are at the highest, use this energy to go inward, transcend the mind, and feel the Divinity within. The time of the full moon is a period when spiritual energies are uniquely available and facilitate a closer rapport between humanity and the Divinity.

All spiritual practice’s effect multiplies a thousandfold under the full moon.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 48, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.