Hypnotherapist Las Vegas Tammie Roitman

Tammie S. Roitman Ed.S, Ccht

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Before becoming a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Tammie served the Clark County School District as a school psychologist for 16 years. She helped students of all ages and their teachers, counselors and school administrators develop specific practical steps to address students’ emotional, interpersonal and academic needs. Tammie’s administrative skills advanced with her co-authoring of Clark County School District’s Suicidal Protocol, which set the standards not only for CCSD but for the state of Nevada. After that achievement, Tammie co-authored The ADHD diagnostic, education and intervention protocol that set the standard for CCSD and was solely responsible for the conceptualization, planning and implementation of CCSD’s Mental Health Transition Team, ensuring that every child discharged and transferred back from a psychiatric facility (locally and nationally) to their home school had an individualized transition plan that aimed for the student’s success.

The Transition plan communicates the accommodations needed to ease the student back into his or her educational routine and avoid the stressors that led to the psychiatric referral in the first place. In addition to administrative initiates and leadership, Tammie trained school psychologists, nurses, counselors and administrative school personnel on methods to help children with behavioral and psychiatric challenges. From her unique perspective serving school children and their families, Tammie saw that mental health intervention methods could use a little help themselves. After working for over 16 years watching children and adults get limited help with their problems using established psychiatric and mental health treatments, Tammie knew intuitively that there were better ways. She started looking for methods that could integrate the mind, body and spirit, because sometimes these factors are lacking in traditional services. She knew whatever she came up with had to integrate, complement and enhance existing educational and mental health services. She figured the missing ingredient was the person!

Most methods required the patient to passively accept treatments that were administered; all they were required to do was accept that something was wrong with them and stop doing or feeling what they should not do or feel. Having maintained a personal experience with meditation since she was very young, Tammie looked for authorized, legitimate methods that could harness a person’s inner strength to conduct forward instead of blocking more and more of themselves. Tammie decided that more times than not, the person missing from the treatment team was the person themselves–their inner strength that organizes and leads the team and themselves forward towards the directions that give their life meaning and satisfaction. After several years of searching for an empowering intervention, Tammie found that Clinical Hypnotherapy was in sync with her values and ideas and could enable and enhance a person’s inner strengths to help them make positive changes in their attitudes and patterns. Clinical Hypnotherapy helps people make important changes they have been putting off for years, using their desire, not their fear, to undermine the negative messages instilled earlier in their lives and help them achieve their aspirations in a peaceful and clear way.

Three years ago, Tammie achieved her credential and certification in Certified Clinical Hypnotherapy and started a successful private practice. Even though one person at a time was a powerful intervention, she came to realize the methods she used could be applied to groups and volunteered her time to demonstrate it in real time with real people. Tammie led many hypnotherapy groups with adults and kids who, using objective measurements, derived significant benefits. Nothing gives Tammie Roitman more joy and satisfaction than helping people move forward and let go of the painful emotional obstacles and behavioral patterns that hold them back. She also enjoys meditating in the Peruvian jungle and sharing time with indigenous people, and loves to travel to learn about other people and their cultures.

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Phone: (702) 478 9600
Email: manager@rykyoga.com

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