
Practice With A Cause – Community Event

 In Past Events

Practice With A Cause – A Community Event

Saturday, October 13th 2018, 6:00pm-7:00pm, Suggested Donation

Yoga Haven’s mission is to empower at-risk youth, men, women and young adults through the practice of the traditional system of yoga and meditation. We provide free yoga programs to a range of nonprofits and select
Title 1 schools that work with similar target populations.

Practice With A Cause is a series of fundraising yoga classes which occurs monthly. 100% of the money fundraised goes directly to each of our yoga programs throughout the Las Vegas valley.

On October 13 at 6pm, Practice With A Cause Featuring Cosmin – Kundalini Yoga will be a donation based class. For every $10 that we fundraise, we are able to provide a FREE yoga class to 2 students. With Yoga Haven, 100% of proceeds go directly towards our target population.

Practice With A Cause is a collaborative fundraising event between Yoga Haven and Cosmin @ RYK Yoga. We are very excited and honored for your support.


Intro to Ayurveda Workshop III “3 Stages of Life” with AbhayaHi-Fi Kundalini Experience