
What to Expect at RYK Yoga and Meditation Center

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At RYK (Raise Your Kundalini) Yoga and Meditation in Las Vegas, their practices and mission go beyond the traditional “yoga studio” method. In addition to being the first complete center that specializes in the Kundalini Yoga form, it also gives back to the community in various ways. For many, Kundalini hasn’t been a word in their vocabulary. What should you expect?

  • Kundalini
  • Dharma Shoppe
  • Enlightenment

Kundalini by definition is the yogic life force that is held to lie coiled at the base of the spine until it is aroused and sent to the head to trigger enlightenment. On the way, the kundalini passes through six chakras, or points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body. At the seventh chakra, the yogi is said to experience enlightenment. In other words, it is the most effective and complete yoga you can practice. Known as the “The Yoga of Awareness”, it is the fastest way to form an aligned relationship between your body, mind, and soul.

Dharma Shoppe
Located at the corner of Sahara and Durango on the West side of Las Vegas, the atmosphere of the studio is impressive. Again, going beyond the typical yoga studio, RYK provides an array of natural and authentic items in their store. Yes, I said store! Offered are: soft and light weight, hand loom, fabric made in India of 100% cotton shirts and pants for class or any other occasion, Harem Pants, Prakazita Mala meditation necklaces and bracelets, essential oils, deity sculptures, and so much more.

Where the magic happens inside RYK is in Buddha Hall. Here is where you tune into yourself, generate energy, go through a series of postures, breath, and sound work, then relax, medi-tate, then close out with the beautiful “Long Time Sun Song.” It is truly a workout for your mind, body and soul.

Try it out!
On top of all this positivity, everyone that works at, attends, or involved in any way with RYK Yoga and Meditation in Las Vegas, are truly incredible. Expect to experience growth, content-ment, happiness, and friendship. Call and talk to either Daisy their store manager, or Marco their General Manager, or simply stop in.

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