
Full Moon Meditation to “Fall in Love with Yourself”

 In Past Events

Full Moon Meditation to
“Fall in Love with Yourself”

Sunday, February 5th 2023, 12:00pm-2:00pm

Join us for a unique Full Moon Meditation to “Fall in Love with Yourself” during this special time before Valentine’s Day. Humans are naturally accelerated on full moon; we are at the highest, use this energy to go inward, transcend the mind, feel love and the Divinity within.

Transformation in the game of love requires a complete reorientation to the rules of the game. In order to truly experience love, and union, we must begin living a new rule book. We have been trained to look for that one person – our soul mate – who can fulfill our longing, who can give us what we believe we need or want from a relationship. To truly love, we must first fulfill that longing within ourselves, with the Infinite, the love of God. Anything else less will fall short. No human being can fill that particular space – not even a soul mate.

Then, from that fullness of love, that union within ourselves, we can begin to truly love everyone. We can serve with equanimity all who come to seek solace, healing or forgiveness. We can love the enemy & the friend, and we have the capacity to sacrifice for others without losing ourselves.

Love is Love. There’s no condition. There’s no lack. Love can only be received & given from the fullness of the liberated heart. Free yourself from ego, so that you can know love and share it with all!

“Love is a creative energy, an experience of one’s Self within oneself.” Yogi Bhajan

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LOVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 68, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.