
Mandated Masks

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Sat Nam,
We at RYK hope all of you are enjoying being back to class as much as we are.

As we continue to navigate through the continually changing local government mandates, we thank you for your patience and understanding. As many of you are aware, the local government is requiring that a face-covering be worn to enter any public facility. This means we request that you wear a mask to enter and exit the facility and if social distancing is not possible. When on the mat and in class, the mask can be removed and you will not need to wear it during class.

We understand that wearing a face mask may be challenging for some and we do offer the daily class live streams to give you the opportunity to practice at home.

Class sizes are still limited to allow for the required social distancing standards, so please continue to sign up online before coming into class.

We appreciate your continued support and we will continue to keep you updated and informed as we learn more.