
New Moon Solar Eclipse Summer Solstice Meditation

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New Moon Solar Eclipse
Summer Solstice Meditation

Sunday, June 21st 2020, 12:00pm-2:00pm

Join us Sunday June 21st to celebrate the New Moon, Solar Eclipse and Summer Solstice! This is a very auspicious time to balance and enhance the light of our consciousness under the energy of the New Moon, while the Sun’s power reaches its zenith.

In the science of Yoga the concepts of sun and moon evoke a reference to masculine and feminine. No matter the gender we all have the two energies: the Lunar Woman and the Solar Man. There is a constant play within us and if one can balance the two polarities – ego dissolves, times stops and one becomes God – this is the ecstasy of Divine experience!

The meditations we will practice enhance the Lunar energy, purify the psyche, and help you identify yourself as the Sun, the source of all life. Shiva and Shakti belong together and their merger attains a harmonious whole, bringing a physical, emotional and mental balance.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 26, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

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