
Some of RYK’s most popular workshops are now available online for purchase!

Now, you can download recordings of some of RYK’s best live workshops and enjoy them from the comfort of your own home. Select the video you would like to watch by clicking the BUY NOW button. This will take you to MindBody, and after purchase you will receive an email with the link to your workshop on your receipt.

ryk breathe

Breathe Correctly with Cosmin Mahadev

Learn the techniques to breathe correctly and control your emotions, promote vitality and health, creativity, prosperity, develop concentration and experience a feeling of connectedness.

During this unique workshop we will explore the various facets of breath: practicing Pranayam, awareness of breath, breath frequency, types of breathing, depth of breath and much more. We will practice different breathing techniques and meditations on the breath to deepen our understanding and to experience the breath as the essence of life and the Divine within us.

Learn to control your mind; learn to control your life by just breathing correctly!

ryk feng shui tips

Feng Shui Tips & Setting Your Home Altar

Do you want to learn more about Yoga? How Meditation applies to daily life? Having a good posture and breathing correctly? You can learn this and much more in our workshop series where…

You can learn this and much more in our workshop series where we’ll cover 360 degrees of one’s life: physical body, mind, emotions, home space, relationships, etc. The ancient masters developed clear, practical tools for applying them where it matters the most: your daily life!

Join Cosmin Mahadev for an enlightening workshop that explores the beautiful science of Feng Shui and setting up a personal altar at home. Learn the practical and powerful Feng Shui tips you can use to harmonize with your surrounding environment. Understand how to set up your home altar for a better energy flow in your sacred space.

Incorporating these healthful elements into your day-to-day routine will help you live happy, balanced, focused, peaceful & efficient and it will assist you on your path to awareness. These practical, hands-on workshops, integrate the principles of Kundalini Yoga: ancient teachings, pranayam, kriya, meditation & LIVE Gong.

These workshops are suitable for all levels of experience.

ryk ayurveda workshop

Introduction to Ayurveda I

Intro to Ayurveda: Ayurveda is the oldest healing science in the world originating in India more than 5,000 years ago. This is an entirely holistic system often called the “Mother of All Healing”.

Its methods are pulled from the ancient Vedas and Ayurveda is considered to be the Science of Life – the oldest form of medicine to date. This system is based on the understanding that our physiology and health is governed by the qualities associated with the elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether. The more we become aware of these elements and how they affect our wellbeing, the easier is to balance our life through diet, herbal remedies, lifestyle, yoga and meditation.

According to Ayurveda balance in mind and body is the divine natural order, harmony is our true nature and can otherwise be defined as health, happiness and a balanced integration with the whole world.

This workshop is suitable for all interested in the basic principles of Ayurveda and how you can apply them to your everyday life:

  • what is your constitution – the balance of elemental energies in your body
  • daily routine for peace, happiness and spiritual growth
  • following nature’s rhythms for every day harmony
  • daily practices that support health and well-being
  • the Ayurvedic approach to nutrition and diet
  • optimal yoga, pranayama and meditation practices for your constitution
ryk ayurveda workshop

Introduction to Ayurveda II

Intro to Ayurveda: Ayurveda is the oldest healing science in the world originating in India more than 5,000 years ago. This is an entirely holistic system often called the “Mother of All Healing”.

Its methods are pulled from the ancient Vedas and Ayurveda is considered to be the Science of Life – the oldest form of medicine to date. This system is based on the understanding that our physiology and health is governed by the qualities associated with the elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether. The more we become aware of these elements and how they affect our wellbeing, the easier is to balance our life through diet, herbal remedies, lifestyle, yoga and meditation.

According to Ayurveda balance in mind and body is the divine natural order, harmony is our true nature and can otherwise be defined as health, happiness and a balanced
integration with the whole world.

This workshop is suitable for all interested in the basic principles of Ayurveda and how you can apply them to your everyday life:

  • what is your constitution – the balance of elemental energies in your body
  • daily routine for peace, happiness and spiritual growth
  • following nature’s rhythms for every day harmony
  • daily practices that support health and well-being
  • the Ayurvedic approach to nutrition and diet
  • optimal yoga, pranayama and meditation practices for your constitution
rky gong cd

Gone With the Gong

This album is a beautiful collection of powerful Gong Meditations that can be used for deep relaxation and to induce a spontaneous meditative state. This is a professional studio recording…

This is a professional studio recording that captures the sublime and powerful sound of a 50” Gong. The Gong Meditations recordings can be played on any audio device while still getting the feeling of the LIVE Gong.

The album also includes the mantras that are traditionally chanted at the beginning and the end of a Kundalini Yoga class.

“Gone with the Gong” is a great tool for anyone to have in order to experience the Gong Meditations at any time. The album is highly recommended to use during any Yoga, Meditation or Healing sessions.


  • Tune In
  • Meditation to Clear and Balance the Mind
  • Meditation to Stimulate the 3rd Eye
  • Meditation to Open the 7 Main Chakras
  • Meditation to Expand the Aura
  • Relaaaaaax>
  • Closing