
“Some things can not be taught, they have to be experienced. Come with an open heart just to get closer to your true self. Knowing your true nature will give you truth which will give you freedom. Welcome to Satsang!” ~ Cosmin Mahadev

Open your heart and open your eyes to the truth during this special community event!

For the first time ever, Cosmin Mahadev will host a Satsang spiritual meeting, virtually bringing the community together for a spiritual event unlike any other.

Satsang brings together the community for a deep spiritual communion, allowing you to become closer to yourself and your spirituality. The word “Satsang” comes from the words “Sangha”, meaning a spiritual community, and “Sat”, meaning truth. Experience this beautiful gathering and unite with the truth during this event while you feel the flow of love and spiritual dialogue with Cosmin Mahadev. This important practice will join you with like-minded spiritual seekers to pray, meditate, and become one with the truth.

Strengthen your spiritual practice and find shelter during these special times with this beautiful Satsang. The experience will allow you to open your eyes, mind, and heart so that you will be able to recognize the divinity in all beings and experience inner peace.

satsang yoga meditation las vegas with Cosmin Mahadev

The Satsang consists of multiple parts. You will experience spiritual teachings, and you will have the chance to have questions about spirituality or yogic teachings answered by Mahadev. There will also be chanting and a meditation during the event. Through this practice, you will strengthen your spirituality and your mind so that you will be able to see all things clearly and with an open heart.

“Listen! I will tell you the fundamental cause of salvation. Satsang, association with the wise is the root cause of obliterating all suffering.” ~ Sage Dattatreya

satsang yoga meditation las vegas with Cosmin Mahadev

The Satsang at RYK Yoga & Meditation Studio is led by Cosmin Mahadev Singh, Founder and teacher at RYK. Cosmin Mahadev Singh was born in Romania – a country with a deep-rooted history in diversity and spirituality. His upbringing, enriched with a combination of old and new world teachings, set the foundation for an inner calling of growth and search for knowledge, which led him on his spiritual path. Cosmin’s own world experience gives him the ability to exercise true empathy and compassion.

Raise Your Kundalini (RYK) Yoga and Meditation Center of Las Vegas is the first community center of its kind and could very well become a national model. Our practices and mission go significantly beyond the traditional “yoga studio” approach. Many of RYK’s classes feature meditation, and RYK is the foremost leader in offering meditation to the community in the Las Vegas area. RYK offers classes for beginners in meditation, such as Meditation 101, as well as Kundalini Yoga sessions that feature meditations, Gong Meditation sessions, Sound Healing Meditations, and bi-monthly Full and New Moon Meditations.

In addition to being the first complete center that specializes in the Kundalini Yoga form, it also incorporates the art of peaceful meditation as well as our Giving Back Community Spirit Program. Giving back by sharing our good fortune is at the foundation of our center where students transform their teachings into practice by providing assistance to those less fortunate in the city of Las Vegas.

“For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them.” – Christ

What Do I Need When I Join a Satsang?

  • A quiet room where you would feel comfortable practicing meditation. Try creating a good environment in which to meditate by lighting a candle or burning natural incense.
  • Any questions you might have for the teacher to answer. If you have any specific questions about spirituality, the practice of Kundalini Yoga, or any teachings, have them written down so that you’re able to have them answered!
  • An open heart. To fully give and receive the energy generated by the community during this practice, it is necessary to be open to it. You must also be open to learning new teachings and ways of thinking so that you will be able to get the most out of these special community experiences.

Foster a loving communion with yourself and with your community by joining this beautiful practice with us!

  1. Register on MindBody
  2. Select your desired Love Offering
  3. The link for the Satsang will located on your receipt
  4. Come into the class with an open heart and enjoy