
RYK Yoga and Meditation Center

Registration is Open for 2024 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training!



“Take the Journey of Self-Discovery and Mastery! You Owe it to Yourself to Be Happy!

Our Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program is designed not only to train prospective yoga teachers, but especially to deepen the practices of those who wish to delve deeper into themselves. This is a traditional training program where you learn by hands-on practice, personal experience, and shifting your frequency to evolve spirituality so You Can Be You!”

Founder — RYK Yoga & Meditation Center

Secure your spot in our 2024 KYTT program today!


The world needs spiritual teachers. Are you ready to answer the call?

Do you want to broaden your yoga practice and deepen your knowledge and understanding?

Are you a yoga teacher who wants to take your teaching to the next level?

Would you like to share the beautiful gift of yoga by teaching others?

Interested in 2024 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training?

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Are you ready to make a change that will truly transform your life?
Mahadev discusses the 5-month RYK Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Program

What the training program covers…

Duration: 2m 05s

Going deeper into the program…

Duration: 1m 30s

Answering the call to teach…

Duration: 1m 07s

Meet Your Guide & Teacher

Cosmin Mahadev Singh is the founder of RYK Yoga & Meditation Center and OM FEST, the largest yoga and meditation festival in Las Vegas, NV and RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center, near Asheville, NC. His teachings transcend cultural and demographic boundaries and are accessible to anyone and everyone. Mahadev provides students with valuable skills and tools for balanced living using an approach that combines cutting edge scientific research and ancient teachings of Kundalini Yoga.

Mahadev is an accomplished traditional Reiki Master trained in both the United States and Europe. He is also certified by the Kundalini Research Institute and registered with the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association and the Yoga Alliance.

220hr Teacher Training Certified by the worldwide Yoga Alliance for Registered Yoga Schools (RYS)

Our teacher training has the knowledge and experience to provide you with the information, instruction, and direction you need to build a peaceful and creative life through yoga. With our specialized training program, you will learn and master all the facets of this powerful ancient technology to truly earn the title of a Kundalini Yoga teacher. By learning, experiencing, and practicing the ancient science of Kundalini Yoga, you will be qualified to use this powerful platform to teach others with confidence and poise.

Gain a profound understanding of the beautiful discipline of Kundalini Yoga, take your practice further, develop confidence, connect with the community, and find your voice as a teacher. Work on yourself so you can uplift the others!

Kundalini Yoga teacher training 2018
Kundalini Yoga teacher training 2018
Kundalini Yoga teacher training 2018

During our In-Person / Online Kundalini Yoga teacher training you will learn, practice, and experience:

• The Science of Yoga • Kundalini Yoga and Meditation • Yogic Anatomy • I Am a Teacher •
• Anatomy and Physiology • Ayurveda • The Gong • Yogic Lifestyle •
• Yogic Tools • The Business of Yoga •

During our In-Person / Online Kundalini Yoga teacher training you will learn, practice, and experience:

• The Science of Yoga •
• Kundalini Yoga and Meditation •
• Yogic Anatomy •
• I Am a Teacher •
• Anatomy and Physiology •
• Ayurveda • The Gong •
• Yogic Lifestyle •
• Yogic Tools • The Business of Yoga •

2024 Dates 

January 6, 7
January 20, 21
February 3, 4
February 24, 25
March 9, 10
March 23, 24
April 6, 7
April 20, 21
May 4, 5
May 18, 19


Saturday 8am-4pm • Sunday 8am-4pm


Pay in Full $3,299
Deposit $500 + Payment Plan 5 x $559


Pay in Full $2,799
Deposit $500 + Payment Plan 5 x $459

If you need a different payment plan please contact us at manager@rykyoga.com


$100 discount when training is paid for in cash.

$100 for you and your friend/family when you both sign up.

*all sales are final, no refunds


• Training (all sessions are live – this is not a pre-recorded training)
• Access to recordings in case you miss a class
• 20 Class Pass (a $260 value)
• Any New Moon & Full Moon Meditations that fall on T.T. weekends!
• Gong CD – free download
• 2 Manuals – printed (for IN PERSON attendees)
• 2 Manuals – electronic files (for ONLINE attendees)
• Yoga Alliance approved
• Certification recognized everywhere in the world!


RYK location for IN PERSON attendees

LIVE sessions via Zoom for ONLINE attendees

Are you ready to transform your life? Take the step and answer the call!

No experience necessary, just an open heart for the teachings!

For any additional information please email mahadev@rykyoga.com or call (702) 670 0688


The answers you’ve been looking for.

Mahadev answers questions about the program…

What is the role of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher? Duration: 1m 11s

What sort of certification do I get? Duration: 36s

What if I practice another type of Yoga? Duration: 1m 07s

What sort of preparation do I need for the training? Duration: 32s

What if I'm having a hard time deciding? Duration: 45s


See what the graduating class of our amazing Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training have to say about their experience during the program!

Click the arrow to read more.

This weekend was even more powerful!

During Saturday’s Mahanjap, I was seeing all of us in the class scattered around the city and I could see the golden light lines connecting each of us, with each of us being a bright light.  Then after that you took us through the meditation and you articulated in your meditation what I saw.  That was really cool!  Today during Mahanjap I was seeing the lines plus more light and more lines building on top of each person.  It was like there were merkabas over each person.  I always try to send some light toward my special friend and other people I know going through a tough time.  But over the people in class, I thought I was seeing the lines of blue and violet merkabas.  During the Satsang, I peaked and noticed it was my turn.  I should not have and started to lose focus and be self conscious.   I noticed yellow light coming at me.  I felt courage.  Thank you.

I feel like we are helping to build a grid for a new reality.  This will be a good one.  In my other group we gave ourselves the homework of sharing how our new and better “normal” will look like.  My new “normal” will include yoga and learning and sharing how to use the most amazing piece of technology there is – our very own being.  Thank you for what you are bringing!


Theresa N.

I remember when I first started the training, emotions were raw and brought to the surface.

No matter how much we convince ourselves that we are “over it”, we need to deal with what’s left, the part we didn’t know was still there.

Because of the training, I am more present. I see how the past has shaped who I am. I would like to say as situations become a challenge I am always ready to embrace it as a lesson, finding the true me. Sometimes it is in retrospect. I realize what I could have done. But being able to recognize it, even in retrospect, and learning from it, seeing the silver lining in challenges that makes us stronger, and in the moment, I forgive myself for not living up to the challenge, but ready for the next opportunity.

Realizing we are all here for our growth as well as showing compassion and love to others is more prevalent today than ever before. I feel that I entered teacher’s training at the right time. I continue on with this journey, thankful for the experience, hoping I can somehow be helpful even if it helps only one person. It all starts with one person.



Mary M.

It has been a great pleasure participating in the teacher training.

I had experienced some health benefits with just attending classes last year, and they have only increased with the expansion of my practice. Knowing and experiencing that has only built my enthusiasm for sharing the knowledge we have more control of our health and wellbeing than most people think.

Honestly, I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.  Doing classes online has generally the same effect as in person. Yes, there are more potential distractions but I suppose that is a good test of focus. The shorter days (although secretly appreciated) may have an impact on stamina at the end of the course.


Holly N.

I decided to sign up for the Teacher Training because of my newfound desire to make Kundalini yoga a part of my daily life.

It requires daily practice to keep the benefits continually present, in my experience.  I did not know when we started this training there would be a COVID-19 Pandemic, none of us could have predicted that!  However, our amazing teacher Mahadev made it work anyway.  When we first started hearing about the virus in early March we met at a venue that was open and well ventilated.  Immediately after that weekend the governor called for the lockdown.  Since then we have had our scheduled sessions on Zoom.  Mahadev made all of RYK classes and Teacher Training accessible. 

Although this journey has been difficult for us all, RYK has been a huge blessing during this time.  The yoga, meditation and pranayama practices keep me feeling calm and grounded.  I practice my daily sadhana -which has taught me how to love and take care of myself inside and out.  I feel healthier than ever, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  I also have more mental clarity, I feel smarter.  I wish this for everyone!  It feels good too because we meditate for everyone to be well and I love that.  I have tried many things to better myself and they were all good in certain ways.  However, RYK has provided me with something that helped in every aspect of my life.  I am still at the beginning of my Kundalini journey.  I am so excited for every moment of my life and I am so grateful to Mahadev and everyone at RYK for this life changing journey. 

Sat Nam, With Love!


Alison S.