
“Once the mind is mastered it can be used as the greatest tool you were ever given.” ~ Cosmin Mahadev

The Aquarian Age is dawning. The final cusp ends on November 11, 2011. There are many dimensions to the radical shift of this Age. People everywhere are talking about it, making predictions or debunking it. Some sense the shift as a cataclysm or end of the world, others as a new beginning, and still others as a time of uncertainty and unpredictability.

We have always experienced change, but rarely with this intensity and speed and never with this scope and vastness. This change is radical, not incremental. It is a simultaneous change in both outer and inner worlds. The mind is changing its sensitivity, its basic frequency and functioning. Our lifestyle is changing its sense of time, space, relatedness, and relevancy.

In the Piscean Age that we are leaving behind, it was a central and even sacred task to find and gain access to the right information. The motto of the age was “to be or not to be.” Learn, grow, and become something. Great knowledge about human potential was guarded by secrecy and layers of initiations. The Piscean Age was dominated by machines and hierarchies. As the Aquarian Age dawns, the old defenses and manipulations based on hiding and controlling access to information will no longer work.

The new Aquarian Age is ruled by awareness, information, and energy. In the Aquarian Age there are no secrets! Information is available. Finding it is not the central task any longer. In this Age, the motto is “be to be.” Real value will come from truth embodied in practical actions and in the internal caliber and qualities of your mind and heart. The greatest power will be your Word – your consciously projected words.

The Character of the Aquarian Age

  • Intellect is not enough. We need a new relationship to intuition, emotion, and instinct.
  • Information is not enough. Neither is knowledge. We need wisdom.
  • Learning is not enough. We must learn how to learn.
  • Complexity is increasing as is our need to deal with it.
  • This is an age of paradox – more global and more individual with fewer boundaries and more demand for political separations.
  • Everything is faster and we have less time. We need far more love and unity for we have more fear and tremendous insecurity.
  • We require a reconciliation and integration of the spiritual side of life with the technological and material sides – a spiritual fitness to sense values and meaning.
  • There is no isolation. Each action we take must be considered ecologically and globally because each person does affect, directly or indirectly, vast networks of people and other living beings and places.
  • Change and learning is continuous and life-long. We must maintain mental, emotional, and physical flexibility.
  • Stamina and constant peak performance are the common benchmarks to evaluate all people and their work, and the need is to go inward and regenerate.

“It is fine to admit what you don’t know. You can’t know everything. The only thing you can always know for sure is: in the big picture, you don’t know anything.” ~ Cosmin Mahadev

Tools for the Aquarian Age

We do not need new choices. We are flooded with choices. We need an elevated capacity to make choices. We do not need more information. We need the wisdom to use all the information. We do not need another religion. We need the experience of dharma that creates the spiritual fitness to act believably on our beliefs.

There is the need for a potent and practical technology to generate the inner energy needed to survive and excel under the pressure of more information, more choices, more contacts, and more complexity. Now the time has come that you will need a meditative mind to wait and see what comes to you.

Kundalini Yoga provides the tools and technology to maintain a meditative mind, to process input, and respond from a neutral, compassionate vantage. Kundalini Yoga gives you you in this new Aquarian Age.